Our attorneys work closely together to draw on their respective strengths and experience. We strive to focus on keeping the needs of our clients at the forefront of everything we do.
Courtney has years of experience in the practice of family and criminal law. She has made thousands of court appearances in our local court systems. Courtney regularly appears in all ten family court divisions in Jefferson County. She also regularly appears in Jefferson District and Circuit courts on behalf of adults and juveniles charged with felony offenses.
Courtney is an active member of St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church. She has served the University of Louisville through membership on the Recent Graduates Alumni board. Additionally, she dedicates time to the community serving on the Love Waggener team, which supports the staff and students of Waggener High School.
Abigail focuses her practice in the area of family law on high conflict divorce and custody cases. She represents clients on all dockets in Jefferson Family Courts including circuit, dependency, neglect and abuse, paternity and EPO/DVO dockets. The remainder of her practice is focused on criminal and juvenile defense.
Abigail serves as an appointed guardian ad litem (GAL) in Jefferson Family Court. Abigail recently accepted an invitation to serve as a Barrister member of the Louis D. Brandeis Inns of Court. She serves as the co-chair of the Alumni Advisory Committee to the Kentucky Alpha Chapter of Pi Beta Phi. Abigail also enjoys volunteering her time to various organizations around the Louisville area.